The National Diversity have received an extraordinary amount of nominations and votes to date, with over 40,000 people from across the UK shining a light on positive role models and unsung heroes nationwide.

Award categories include:
The Positive Role Model Award – split into 5 strands:
Age | Disability | Gender | LGBT | Race, Religion & Faith
The Community Organisation Award – split into 6 strands:
Age | Disability | Gender | LGBT | Race, Religion & Faith | Multi Strand
Diverse Company Award
Entrepreneur of Excellence Award
Celebrity of the Year Award
Lifetime Achiever Award
Nominations close on 15th May.
To nominate, visit…

Congratulations to all of our amazing nominees to date!
As you are aware, The National Diversity Awards are beginning to collate supporting evidence for our judging panel. The purpose of this is to give you the opportunity to provide vital information which your nominator may not have included, allowing our judges to gain a clear insight into the work that you do.
When you log into your profile, you will be presented with a series of questions relating to your awards category. Please answer these questions by 15th May 2024.
Shortlisted nominees will be chosen for each category based on the evidence provided, your nomination and the quality and quantity of votes received.
If you have not received your initial ‘congratulations’ with next steps to gain access to your profile, please email
If you have already created a username and password, please log into your account here…