Use the free Fundraising Preference Service to help you end contact with any charity registered in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Charities generate support for their work from members of the public through fundraising campaigns that are usually carried out by email, post, text or telephone. And when people are contacted with a fundraising ask, they tend to be very generous.
However, you may not want to hear from some charities, even if you have donated to them in the past. If you or someone you know receives unwanted fundraising asks from charities, there is a free and easy to use service that can help you put an end to this contact – the Fundraising Preference Service.
Manage contact from charities
The Fundraising Preference Service (FPS) is the UK’s only service that allows you to manage contact preferences from all registered charities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. You can access the FPS online or by phone and it is completely free to use. It is run securely by the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising.
Use yourself, or on behalf of someone else
More than 10,000 people have used the FPS to put a stop to marketing contact from charities and many people have used it on behalf of a friend or family member. You can also use the service even if you, or someone you care for, has previously given consent to the charity to stay in touch.
End contact with more than one charity
By using the FPS, you can end contact with multiple charities at the same time – all you need to know is their charity name or charity number. Although you can contact individual charities directly to ask them to stop sending you fundraising asks, using the FPS means you don’t need to contact them separately.
If it sounds like the FPS will be of help to you or a friend or family member, visit our website for more information about how the service works.
Visit: or tel: 0300 3033 517.
The FPS helpline is open Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 4:30pm (closed weekends and public holidays). Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than calls to local or national rate numbers (01 or 02) and should be included in inclusive minutes in the same way.
Subodh Patel is the manager of the Fundraising Preference Service, a free service which is operated by the Fundraising Regulator.