During the last 12 years, initially following my appointment as National Vice-President of the Disabled Motorists Federation and more recently as Founder of Mobility and Support Information Service (MASIS) www.masis.org.uk a registered charity promoting disability related campaigns, I have been attempting to emphasise the importance of promoting self-esteem and wellbeing within the lifestyles of disabled people and their carers.
By Peter Lyne
Whether disabled or not, having a ‘feel-good’ factor and positive mental attitude towards life is essential. None of us know what may lie ahead as far as our own health issues are concerned. I write from personal experience. Redundancy in September 2006 which was also around the time I was dealing with several traumatic and stressful issues within my own family, brought about my neurologically related long-term health condition diagnosed in early 2007.
Continuing to participate as a member of several central and regional government stakeholder groups and advisory panels since 2006 onwards, many of which related to the national and public healthcare sectors, I was always pleased to enter into discussions with consultant surgeons, physicians and appropriate representatives from within academia. Many of these individuals emphasised the importance of creating a more socially inclusive and equal society for disabled people in order to help boost their self-esteem and wellbeing. They also stated that in certain circumstances, improving wellbeing and developing a positive mental attitude was equally important as the medical or surgical intervention which their patients required.
MASIS is currently attempting to create an opportunity to provide employment for a small team of people to help with its future development. However, the charity intends to operate as a ‘not for profit’ venture allowing it to re-invest surplus funds into specific medical research initiatives which are attempting to combat the many causes of disability.
Visit: www.masis.org.uk and complete the ‘contact us’ form.
I would also like to invite readers to visit: www.masis.org.uk where they’ll find a list of several sectors within which we’d like to establish commercial relationships.
Peter Lyne is the Founder of Mobility and Support Information Service and National Vice-President of the Disabled Motorists Federation.