Who is a Carer?
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
Who are we?
Carers Trust is a new charity which was formed by the merger of The Princess Royal Trust for Carers and Crossroads Care in April 2012.
Carers Trust works to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. With our Network Partners, we aim to ensure that information, advice and practical support are available to all carers across the UK.
What do we do?
Together with our Network Partners, we provide access to desperately-needed breaks, information and advice, education, training and employment opportunities. Our Network Partners benefit from the provision of grants, advice documents and reports to improve carers’ services. We give carers and young carers avenues to speak to someone and make their voices heard, offline via our carers’ services and young carers’ schemes and online via our interactive websites.
Carers website: www.carers.org
Young carers website: www.youngcarers.net
Our vision
A world where the role and contribution of unpaid carers is recognised and they have access to the quality support and services they need to live their own lives.
Our mission
Together with our Network Partners, we provide support, information, advice and services for the millions of people caring at home for a family member or friend. Our Network Partners reach carers of all ages and with a range of responsibilities, in their local communities. From helping carers to access local services, to making their views heard by opinion formers and professionals, together we help carers to connect with everyone and everything that can make a difference to their lives.
With carers’ needs, choices and voices at the heart of everything we do, we strive to ensure that the enormous contribution they make to society and to those they care for is fully recognised, appreciated and valued.
Our strategic aims are to
- Raise the profile of carers and the caring role
- Support the growth and development of solutions for carers
- Influence society to improve carers’ lives
- Work with local partners to develop a strong network
Our values
Together we work as one organisation united by a shared vision for carers
Aspirational and innovative
Together we can change lives for the better for all carers in the UK.
Expert and evidence based
Together we have real experience, carry out authoritative research and share solid evidence about what works for carers in terms of policy, legislation and best practice.
Campaigning and advocating
Together we raise the issues that carers face wherever it makes most impact and will change their lives for the better – with the public, opinion formersand the media.