Do you find driving or getting in to or out of a car a bit of a challenge these days? Do you have a disability which affects your mobility? Have you experienced trauma such as stroke? Have you been diagnosed with a degenerative condition such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s? All of these can be very frightening, as well as a very real threat to your independence, but you are not alone.
Every year thousands upon thousands of people up and down the country are assessed through a Driving Mobility centre, many with these conditions, among others. Our centres are located right across the UK, and there is sure to be one within easy reach of your home. Our website: includes an easy-to-use ‘find a centre’ map which you can use to locate the one nearest you, together with contact details so that you can make an appointment.
So, what actually is an assessment? Firstly, you’ll be asked whether the appointment is for driving, for getting in to/ out of a vehicle as a driver or as a passenger, for trying out special equipment such as hand controls or a scooter hoist, for using a wheelchair/scooter or for general advice.
Having made an appointment you will be met on the day by friendly, considerate staff which will probably include a driving adviser, as well as a clinician. These staff will ask you about your medical history, some of which they may already have, and your thoughts about driving or any of the other topics listed above. If it’s a driving assessment, following the initial discussion and depending on your medical condition, there may be some specific assessment activities for you to complete such as those for assessing your reaction times. There will then be the on-road part of the assessment, using one of our vehicles. This will start off in a very easy manner, to get you used to things, before going onto the public highway. The assessor will take notes and end the session with another chat about what’s next for you, before a report is written.
We do NOT test people and we do NOT take licences away. Our job is to assess the impact that a medical condition may have on your ability to drive. We receive referrals from GPs, Motability, the DVLA, the Police and many others and all these are satisfi ed by our accreditation and credentials.
Experts from Driving Mobility will be attending the Mobility Roadshow 1-3 June where you will also be able to try out all kinds of adaptations fitted to vehicles:, as well as the Motability One Big Days which will take place at different places around the country: www.