If you’ve been involved in the Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative (RIDI) you know that actions really do speak louder than words.
You’re already part of a unique initiative to drive change in recruitment and remove the barriers faced by the millions of disabled people who are entering or progressing through the job market. What you do matters to millions of people!
After 2 years of hard work, drive and innovation RIDI felt that it was time for us to come together and celebrate the progress we have made at our spectacular awards ceremony sponsored by E.ON, Eversheds & The Clear Company. The awards were announced on 14 May in Evershed’s central London offices.
Attendee’s were thoroughly entertained on the night by the outstanding Abnormally Funny People’s Laurence Clark and we saw highlights of the best and most innovative projects in recruitment – along with some lovely refreshments and plenty of networking opportunities .
The preliminary results of the 2014 Action Speak Louder than Words survey were also announced on the night, to read more please download our Survey Summary.
We asked organisations that are really proud of their work on disability, to not keep quiet about it, there were lots of different categories up for grabs to enter or to sponsor.
Actions speak louder than words; we want to celebrate success and recognise hard work.
Find out more: www.ridiawards.com