Who would imagine that a toilet could bring peace of mind to a whole family?
That is what has happened in the case of Rob Cain, who has, among other conditions, peripheral neuropathy, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalja, and arthritis. As a result the 50 years-old former Royal Fusilier has little mobility, nor feeling in his hands- a cause of concern for the divorcé’s two young daughters, who worry about how he copes and his safety when they are not around.
Initially Rob was provided with a commode. Despite different seats, frames and hand rails, his impairments meant he kept falling when transferring, particularly when reaching for his walking sticks. But, with the installation in his wetroom of a Closomat Palma Vita shower (wash & dry) toilet with Aerolet Tilt toilet lifter over, he can now go to the loo whenever he wants, without help, safely and with dignity.
“I’ve not fallen once when going to the toilet since I’ve had the Closomat kit. Yet I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a Closomat until about six months ago. Now I can go to the toilet safely, with dignity. The psychological impact on my mental health is amazing!” says Rob.
The Closomat Palma Vita looks like- and can be used as- a conventional WC; integrated douching and drying remove the need for manual cleansing. Closomat’s Aerolet toilet lifter replicates the natural motion of sitting down and standing up, supporting and balancing the user whilst gently, automatically lowering and raising them over the WC.
“It’s given my girls peace of mind. They really worry about me, and like to know Daddy is being looked after. They are my heart and soul, so it’s good to be able to give them reassurance,” he says.
“It’s something you take for granted, going to the toilet, yet everyone needs to do it. My girls use it as a normal toilet. I of course use the douching and drying: I have little feeling in my hands so it is difficult to clean myself. Now I have the peace of mind that I am clean which is particularly an issue with my IBD.”
Closomat’s Palma Vita is the brand leader, biggest-selling shower toilet on the market, and the only one of its kind manufactured in the UK. It delivers the most effective washing available (up to 8l/s). It is the only shower toilet that can be accessorised initially or retrospectively to address user’s needs as their needs change.
The Aerolet toilet lifter is also the brand leader. Closomat is unique in offering both a tilting and vertical version in a toilet lifter: the vertical is best suited for people with limited lower body and limb strength, whereas the tilt suits people with control over their legs.
Closomat, founded 55 years ago, and still family-owned, is unique in its provision, in-house and in the UK, of design advice, supply, installation, commissioning and after-sales service & maintenance for the Palma Vita and its range of accessible toileting solutions at home and away. Details of the Closomat’s assistive toilet care offerings, plus case studies from real-life users, can be found on its website www.clos-o-mat.com.