You don’t need a functional look to get wheelchair access at home – work to your style!

Adapting their home, Frankie and her family worked with an OT and architect to create a wheelchair accessible lower floor living space for their daughter – and they wanted a lift that would work with their home.

Matt Akerman, Gartec Home Manager, visited to help – and suggested doors on the landing to make it easier.

Installed in just 2 days, the white and glass lift works perfectly with the interior design, and gives their daughter back to her independence at home.

“We wanted to make the whole house accessible for our daughter so she could play with her sisters upstairs.”

“We changed the doors to different sides on each floor so it didn’t open in a bedroom.”

“We love the lift and it makes the house more fun for our daughter – she loves having her freedom back.”

Want to talk home lifts?


Phone: 01296 397100