Saturday 3 December 2016 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) and there are plenty of opportunities for people to raise awareness of the day and get involved in celebrating it.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities is an annual observance day when organisers, the United Nations (UN), encourage people across the World to reflect on the challenges that disabled people face in their daily lives.
Although the UK is on an upward curve regarding the prevailing attitude towards disability issues, there’s always room for more. It’s great to hear that so many organisations around the company are hosting events that you might like to get along to.
The Able Magazine team wishes all involved a great day and the best of luck.
Disability North
Disability North’s annual International Day of Disabled People event takes place on Saturday. Join them for a fun filled day of accessible sport dedicated to the people and services in the region that promote inclusion for all. There’s a variety of exciting activity sessions and you can listen to sport-themed speakers and visit an array of inclusive outreach stalls.
Bluebird Care Oxford
Director of Bluebird Care Oxford, Robert Mezo said; “At Bluebird Care Oxford we are supporting International Day of Persons with Disabilities and helping to raise awareness.
We are delighted to celebrate the achievements of people with disability in our community, and also recognise all of the significant contributions they bring to our society. We think it is important to encourage support for their dignity, rights and well-being.”
Richmond AID
Breaking Barriers: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Join Richmond AID for drinks and mince pies at their very own awards ceremony on Saturday 3rd December 2016, celebrating United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Remploy celebrate International Day of Persons with Disability annually. This year they’ve launched the Purple Platform – giving a voice to disabled people – hearing their hopes and aspirations. They’d love for as many people as possible to take part and share their views. This will enable them to hear the authentic voice of disabled people and the views on employment and the support they provide. (Head to your local branch to be a part of the celebrations and share your voice.)
York Explore
Art, poetry, music, and discussion come together at York Explore for this celebration of International Day of People with Disabilities.
Real, London
Celebrate Real’s fifth birthday and International day of Persons with Disabilities.
West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service is proud to be supporting International Day of People with Disability by holding a series of events.
Firefighters from Haywards Heath are holding a dedicated event at the fire station on Mill Green Road this Friday (2 December) from 10am-4pm.
Disabled people and disability groups, are invited to join the crews at the event to participate in activities they may not usually get the opportunity to do.
Active Newham
Join Active Newham for a free and fun day of activities for people with disabilities.
Come and try fun activities such as Tai Chi, Zumba, Yoga, Boccia, Table Tennis, wheelchair based exercises and much more. This is an inclusive event open to disabled people and their friends or carers. Refreshments are provided on the day.
Action On Disability
Find out about their goals for the future of Hammersmith and Fulham.
Disability Arts Cymru
Disability Arts Cymru want your help in demonstrating solidarity with disabled people everywhere, particularly between Wales and Africa.
Celebrations will include a rolling programme of dancing, music, talks, fair-trade stalls and displays.