JLB was founded in 2016 as a bakery business to provide work experience and training to learning disabled young people and adults. In that year the young people won “Young Start Up Talent” for the Gatwick Diamond area and since then the business has developed. They currently bake in a local special needs school and sixth form college and sell to a wide spectrum of customers. Norwegian Airlines Gatwick office, HSBC at Gatwick and the Sussex Equine Hospital are amongst their regular customers, together with local cafes in Horsham and Crawley. They attend events including Cuckfield Bonfire Night, Horsham Garden Music Festival, Gatwick Airport Fun Day and Pulborough Village Market.
Core to the model is that the young people do not just bake: they sell the bakes, are involved in the choice of bakes produced and are involved in the design of marketing materials. They were included in their AGM to experience the wider world of corporate governance.
They are currently looking to expand, opening their own kitchen premises in Thakeham, West Sussex, which would enable them to offer work experience and training to a wider group of young people and adults, and build relationships with a wider portfolio of schools and colleges. They are currently finalists for the Meridian West area in National Lottery Community Funds “People’s Projects” competition – with success in this funding the development of their own kitchen.
You can see a film about their activities at: www.thepeoplesprojects.org.uk/projects/view/jubylee-bakes-kitchen
Check out their website www.jubyleebakes.org.uk