The Scottish Government has set up many and various schemes to ensure that the XX Commonwealth Games in Glasgow has a robust legacy that will benefit everyone in Scotland.
Support a 2nd Team for 2014
Support a 2nd Team provides an opportunity for creating partnerships with countries participating in the Commonwealth Games and supporting them through their journey to the Games and beyond.
Support a 2nd Team is a programme of events to engage the cultures of Commonwealth countries and further develop links with Commonwealth regions. The programme provides an opportunity, as part of the wider Games Legacy, for creating partnerships with countries participating in the Commonwealth Games and supporting them through their journey to the Games and beyond. Local partners are being encouraged to get behind another Commonwealth country and cheer them on.
Find out how and where you can get involved, and more about what the Scottish
Government, our agencies and partners are doing at:
Apply to be part of legacy 2014 at:
Follow us: @legacy2014scot
Track our progress at: