Saturday 3 December 2016 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). International Day of Persons with Disabilities is an annual observance day when organisers, the United Nations (UN), encourage people across the World to reflect on the challenges that disabled people face in their daily lives.
Disabled people are the World’s largest minority. Although positive steps are made year-on-year, especially in Europe and America, the picture is not so bright in the developing world where disabled people often have poorer health outcomes and have fewer economic opportunities. That’s why this year’s chosen theme is: Achieving 17 Goals for the Future We Want and are based on the UN’s sustainability goals.
Personal goals for disabled people in the UK might include things we take for granted such as to drive an adapted car or take up a sport or social activity. For a disabled person in the developing world, it might be equality of access to education or the fulfilment of what we would assume are other fundamental Human rights.
What we can do, in the UK, is celebrate ad create awareness around International Day of Persons with Disabilities, tell people about it and keep pushing for better solutions to the challenges of disability.
Where we venture, others will follow.
The Able Magazine team wishes everyone, across the World, a very happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities.