Lanre Babalola is a freelance moving and handling practitioner who practises in both community and acute settings. At M&HP @ Naidex she is leading a new workshop that considers the importance of touch as a working tool.

‘Our intentions as practitioners are not bad and we are getting better at understanding what’s going on with dementia,’ she says, ‘more and more people are asking me about handling dementia and as an issue it’s growing in importance as we all live longer. Typical responses are: ‘she’s agitated’ or ‘he doesn’t want to use the equipment’. Anxiety is a common trait with dementia and the emotions exhibited are often caused by anxiety. We see challenging behaviour resulting from what patients perceive is happening to them,’ Lanre explains.

Lanre is working hard to bring new strategies to the session which will be real-life scenario-based and interactive. ‘It’s important to see people as individuals with a past that may affect how they see the equipment and experience of being handled. We need to consider them holistically,’ she concludes.

Lanre Babalola has been attending the M&HP Conference for about six years but she is looking forward to the new collaboration with Naidex in particular; ‘I’m excited about mixing with families and carers at Naidex and as the parent of a child with a disability I know how helpful events like this can be.’

Moving and handling people with dementia is one of four workshops that delegates to M&HP @ Naidex attend. For more details view the latest Programme on the event website

Entry to Naidex is free and there will be time in the breaks to visit exhibitors and try out the latest moving & handling products. For more information about Naidex click here

Delegate places are first come first served and great value at £275 + VAT. Make sure you stay up to date with the latest moving and handling thinking and practice. Bookings forM&HP @ Naidex can be made via our new website.