Golfers from around Europe and the USA will compete this year with Scottish Disability Golf, in the first ever European Order of Merit Qualifying Event, to be held in Scotland.

The Scottish Pan-Disability Open Golf Championship, will be held at the Kinross Montgomerie and Bruce Golf Courses over four days, from Monday 22 through to Thursday 25 August and will host forty disabled golfers, based at the Green Hotel.

Jim Gales, the SDG’s event organiser and Secretary said, “some eleven European competitions in the likes of Portugal, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Italy will also play a major part in our season, with many of our members travelling to qualifying events for their World Ranking competitions.  The ‘EuroDisabled Golf Tour’ is supported by the likes of PING Europe and Ambassadors like Lee Westwood, so it is quite prestigious.”

Competitors will come to Kinross from countries including, Italy, the US, Germany, France and the Home Nations.  More information can be found at or by calling 07903 596 552.