Sharing her experience of finding a new wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV), we caught up with Shirley Hodgson, from York, to hear how she decided Peugeot Horizon was the car for her.

How the journey began

After calling one of Allied Mobility’s expert mobility advisors for advice on the WAVs available, Shirley decided she’d like to see Horizon. Telling us, “Horizon really came out tops when I listened to all the details about the WAVs on offer.”

As the UK’s most popular WAV, Shirely isn’t alone in thinking Horizon is pretty great. With first class wheelchair accessible features, the comfort and style associated with Peugeot and a Plus version available for larger wheelchairs and powerchairs, Horizon offers a little something for everyone.

Making sure it’s right

A free home demonstration was then arranged and carried out by Shirley’s local mobility consultant who went through the accessibility and standard features of Horizon and helped sort out all the necessary paperwork to complete Shirley’s order. “The home demonstration was very useful and Allied Mobility were very helpful. It was easy, because they made it easy,” Shirley smiles.

A new Horizon

Sharing the impact her WAV has had on her life, Shirley says: “Having something that other people can take me out in my wheelchair in just makes it easier for everybody. I don’t want to stay at home all the time, I like to go out and the WAV just makes it so much easier.”

Get in touch
Tel: 0800 587 9665