Our Bristol-based bakery, Step and Stone, makes handmade lavosh flatbreads with a social purpose. We work with young people with learning disabilities, helping to develop their skills and confidence so they can eventually find employment in the mainstream catering world. We’re a community interest company, so all our profits are ploughed straight back into the bakery.
While our aim is social, our food is nothing short of delicious. We’re focused on organic and, when possible, locally-sourced ingredients. We have a passion for eating well.
Our lavosh flatbreads are ideal for picnics, pre-dinner nibbles, late night snacks or, in fact, any time of day. Enjoy them by themselves, or with cheese, pickles, dips, soups or whatever delicacy takes your fancy.
Able Magazine recently interviewed Step and Stone to find out more about their work: https://bit.ly/2M8Vdta
Visit the Step and Stone website for further info: http://stepandstone.co/
Email: welcome@stepandstone.co