Stoke Mandeville Maulers Wheelchair Rugby team and law firm Bolt Burdon Kemp are thrilled to announce they have teamed up to provide more equipment and support to current and aspiring wheelchair rugby players in Buckinghamshire – an initiative that improves the lives of people living with a spinal cord injury.
The law firm will be sponsoring The Maulers this year to introduce initiatives that will further encourage disabled people to lead active and healthy lifestyles in a fun and competitive environment.
The sponsorship funds will go towards updating their team kit, training venue costs & competition entry fees.
The Maulers are headed up by twice Paralympian, Bob O’Shea and experienced wheelchair rugby competitor, Ian Hosking. They have a combined experience of 44 years within the sport of wheelchair rugby. The Maulers are based at the Birthplace of the Paralympic Movement, next door to the National Spinal Injury Centre (NSIC) where they continue to support current members, attract new members and work closely with the NSIC encouraging newly injured people into sport.
Bob and Ian have a longstanding relationship with the Spinal Injury team at Bolt Burdon Kemp, who work hard, campaigning and raising awareness, to ensure an improved quality of life for clients and those affected after a spinal cord injury caused by an accident or medical negligence. The firm has held a number of accessible and inclusive events over the years through Bob and Ian’s company the ‘Wheelchair Rugby Experience’. These events have raised awareness amongst able-bodied people of the experience of using a wheelchair and playing a disability sport. The experience also raises awareness amongst lawyers who represent those with spinal cord injury. The Spinal Injury team is passionate about clients taking up leisure activities post-injury, as they’ve seen the huge benefits it can have for an individual’s recovery, both for their physical and mental health.
Bob O’Shea / Ian Hosking at The Maulers said: “The Maulers are hugely thankful to Bolt Burdon Kemp for helping them to be able to continue and grow within the sport of wheelchair rugby. Together we are confident that lives will be positively changed through this partnership. We are looking forward to keep working together with the Spinal Injury Team at Bolt Burdon Kemp to spread the positives that come hand in hand with a healthy and active lifestyle after spinal cord injury.
Victoria Oliver, associate solicitor at Bolt Burdon Kemp said: ‘We are excited to embark on this new adventure. It is so important that we show people there is life after injury. This partnership will help the club continue their excellent work for people with disabilities in Buckinghamshire. Through our clients, we have seen the direct impact the Club has had on transforming people’s lives, which is why this partnership is so important to the firm. Our work helps get people back into normal life after an accident or injury, and knowing that there are support networks like The Maulers available is invaluable.”