VEMS is a new, affordable monitoring system that sits unobtrusively in the house, learns the habits of the resident(s) and alerts nominated people if it ‘thinks’ that there is something wrong.

What the system is really doing is simply collecting and analysing data such as temperature, humidity and movement over a specified time period to compare it with the established ‘norm’.

The data is collected by one or two sensors placed around the home that are connected via the internet and a smartphone app. In cases where let’s say, something unusual occurs such as a change in room temperature indicating that the heating has failed or has not been turned on properly – or perhaps that the movement monitor senses less than usual activity, the system will notify people who can then make decisions or attempt to contact the resident themselves.

The system is a practical solution to an increasingly real-world issue as more disabled and vulnerable people choose to live independently. Rather than take that independence from them, products like VEMS discreetly support them.

So far, customers, including carers, have provided good feedback. It’s worth noting that the system can handle several sets of data from different locations at once, making it ideal for families with more than one elderly or disabled relative to look after, or for use by professional care companies.

If you have further questions, or want to look at installing the service, contact Vixen Electronics Ltd at:

Price: £50 per sensor (plus £10 subscription per month)

Vixen Electronics Monitoring System

Are you disabled, elderly or frail and living on your own? Are you a carer or are concerned about the wellbeing of a friend/relative living on their own?

Would you find it useful to have a simple, affordable monitoring system that alerts friends and family when you are not being as active as expected, because you’ve had a fall or are unwell; or when your house is getting too cold?

We are trialling a new monitoring system, and there are a few spaces left. If you have internet it will cost you nothing!

Email to register your interest.

Visit for more information.