Able Magazine has teamed up with Superhero Tri to turn one disabled Clark Kent or Peter Parker, into a superhero (plus two sidekicks) at their event in August.
Superhero Tri, powered by Marvel, is part of the Superhero Series, the UK’s only mass-participation sports series dedicated to the ‘Everyday Superhero’ – the UK’s 14.1 million disabled people.
Superhero Tri, powered by Marvel is a unique solo or team mission set across one of three distances which include a swim, bike, run/push with the most popular being the Sprint Superhero Tri comprising a 150m swim, 3km cycle and 1km push/run.
The prize is for a team consisting of one superhero and up to two sidekicks and is worth £75.
The event takes place at Dorney Lake, Eton College Rowing Centre on Saturday 17 August 2024
To enter, simply send an email marked ‘Superhero Tri’ with your name, address, email address and phone number. The winner will be the first name pulled out of the winged helmet!