Young people crave their independence and driving can be the rite of
Good news… Loads of disabled people drive cars that have physical disabilities, hearing impairments and special educational needs. There are literally hundreds of solutions and adaptations that enable people to drive perfectly safely and comfortably.
Ready to drive?
In order to start driving, even just taking driving lessons on the road, you’ll need a provisional driving licence – and to get one of those you’ll need to comply with the medical standards of fitness to drive. Best advice is to discuss any issue you think might affect your fitness to drive with your GP or other healthcare professional or visit the DVLA website for further information and guidance:
The other route to getting on the road is to contact your nearest Driving Mobility assessment centre where a pre-driving assessment can be carried out prior to your application for a provisional licence. Driving Mobility centres may be equipped with a static rig (driving simulator) and
A driving assessment also extends to advice about the sort of car that might suit you and any adaptations that might help you. They will be able to provide a suitable vehicle for the assessment and can recommend driving instructors with suitably adapted vehicles or who can teach you in your own adapted car (and experience of teaching disabled people).
To find your nearest Driving Mobility assessment centre,
Provisional Driving Licence
Anybody that wants to start driving must hold a provisional licence. Most young people need to wait until they turn 17 to drive a car but young disabled people can apply for a provisional driving licence when they’re 15 years and 9 months old. They can drive a car when they reach 16 if they get, or have applied for, the enhanced rate of the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
Licence application forms are available from any Post Office or online
You can complete the application online but you’ll need your Government Gateway ID, if you don’t have one or need to re-register, you’ll get an ID as part of your application.
Not only can eligible young disabled people get on the road before their peers
Tel: 0300 456 4566