enei_logoIncorporating the Employers Forum on Age, Employers Forum on Belief and Employers 4 Fathers, the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion is the UK’s leading employer network covering all aspects of equality and inclusion issues in the workplace.

Our six strategic themes are: access to opportunities, agile working, the global marketplace, inclusive leadership, workforce representation and unconscious bias.

In addition to supporting employers, our role is to influence Government, business and trade unions, campaigning for real practical change. We do this by:

  • Advising Government on equality and inclusion related policy issues
  • Representing the views of UK employers
  • Supporting our Members in creating inclusive workplaces
  • Challenging the status quo by presenting real alternatives
  • Highlighting the pros and cons of new employment laws
  • Developing campaigns against discrimination

Find out more about ENEI: www.enei.org.uk