Scaling new heights
In 2012 Kenneth Ellacott, then 21, experienced a terrible brain injury. He woke up in hospital unable to move or talk and could only see out of one ey…
In 2012 Kenneth Ellacott, then 21, experienced a terrible brain injury. He woke up in hospital unable to move or talk and could only see out of one ey…
Fibromyalgia is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder. Muscles often feel as if they have been pulled or worked too hard and cognitiv…
As a full-time powerchair user, I used to think that any sort of camping would be off-limits. And even though glamping is a much fancier set-up than c…
In June 2018, I was asked by the charity Guide Dogs for the Blind to come in for an informal visit to meet some of the dogs who were in the later stag…
The Superhero series and Parallel London are two accessible sporting events open to all. The Superhero Series was founded by Paralympian Sophia Warner…
Starting university was daunting enough. How would I cope living away from home? Would I make friends? Would the workload be okay? These are all fears…
To disclose or not to disclose your disability when applying for a job. For many disabled people, trying to find a job can be daunting and frustrat…
I come from a very close family, which has always been the most important thing to me. Starting my own family is something I’ve thought about and I’ve…
It can be difficult to adjust to life with a disability. You are thrown into this unknown world that you never knew anything about. Things are tough. …
In an age where the majority of people are quick to criticise how smartphones and social media are ruining our society, I often find myself biting my …
When you imagine your 20’s it’s the decade of freedom, self- discovery and making the most out of life. It’s painted to be the best years of your life…
There are so many different layers to life with sight loss, it’s not all black and white and I believe that the best way of filling in that grey space…
Every once in a while it’s important to reflect on how far you’ve come, and consider experiences, both good and bad. After reaching six years of blogg…
For many disabled and chronically ill job-hunters, the dreaded thought of whether to tick that box to say you’re disabled is something that can be pos…
Crippled: Austerity and the Demonization of Disabled People is the first book from Guardian and Able Magazine contributor, Frances Ryan. She spoke wit…
It all started for me when I was 10 years old. I was a flower girl at my cousin’s wedding and I saw the love between her and her husband. I felt like …
Fixed and growth mindsets (terms coined by Dr. Carol Dweck) are used to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. W…
Some of my fondest childhood memories are of caravan holidays with my family. We loved nothing more than packing up the car with a week’s worth of foo…
When I typed up my very first blog post in 2015, I had no idea where this new online space would take me. I wanted to document my feelings in the hope…
For many of us, music is a lifeline, it’s something that has got us through some hard times. We have bands and artists that we look up to, who have he…
I love being of Indian ethnicity. My family holidays were always hot with regular trips to India - a melting pot of different cultures and religions, …
I came to university in 2016. Despite my disability, I chose to begin by not having a carer whilst I was studying unless I discovered I really needed …
February 1st 2019 was a special day for me as it marked 1 year since my life changing powerchair was delivered. A year on and I still can’t quite beli…
The feeling of loneliness and isolation has been one of the most prominent when my experience with disability is concerned. When I was younger, I f…
I’ve been blind since birth so have come across my fair share of people that have ideas, opinions and attitudes surrounding visual impairment, and var…