How I make it work as a disabled parent
As a disabled parent, it’s a good idea to harness the small things that can make all the difference. As a disabled parent of two children, I completely…
As a disabled parent, it’s a good idea to harness the small things that can make all the difference. As a disabled parent of two children, I completely…
With a heightened gaze on nutrition and wellbeing, for so many very good reasons, it can be somewhat overwhelming when thinking of how to shop, cook an…
The Keyturner Triple Pack is a game-changer for anyone looking to simplify their daily routine and enhance their home security. This innovative tool, d…
Adopt North East continues to support disabled people who wish to adopt. Disabled people bring excellent skills to parenting, such as problem-solving…
Over the last four years, Westminster City Council has fostered an environment in the workplace where disabled staff and visitors feel included and emp…
Making the transition from childhood to adulthood can be a daunting prospect, no matter the circumstances. It’s a time of new horizons – and for many,…
Melissa Cassidy After six years at a blatantly inaccessible secondary school, sitting even more inaccessible exams, the time has come for me to fin…
For many people, the end of the week is a signal to let go of their stresses; the chance to let their hair down and relax. Here, Lauren Hunter takes u…
Anna and Michael share their experience of becoming a family, through adoption. Anna and Michael are a married couple who adopted a baby through ea…
With only one week left to register to vote for the local elections in England and Wales, the Electoral Commission is reminding voters that they must …
Just because a celebrity (in this case, the much loved and respected, Dame Esther Rantzen) is in favour of a controversial idea, (in this case, regard…
Social Security Scotland provides benefits to help cover the extra costs that having a disability can bring. Adult Disability Payment and Chi…
My name is Jill Clark. I have cerebral palsy. This affects my muscles and movement. I am a wheelchair user and I use a device to communicate. I campa…
Live-in care is an option that holds plenty of benefits but is sometimes overlooked. By Gillian Louggar Often dependent on the care of famil…
Columnist- Ruben Carol I recently embarked on a much-needed getaway with my wife, seeking refuge from the dreary British weather. Our destination o…
More than six million disabled people across the UK are set to receive a £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment from today. The one-off payments, …
As part of the ‘Help Us, Help You’ campaign, NHS England is raising awareness of cancers in the abdominal area and urological cancers, and is encourag…
This summer the Birmingham Commonwealth Games was a global standard bearer for accessibility in sport, with the largest ever parasports offering to da…
Many readers will currently be facing up to the complexities of a loved one moving from children’s to adult services. A well-planned transition can be…
Network Rail and Design Council are asking for feedback on rail stations of the future, and how to ensure they are accessible, welcoming and feel safe…
By Samantha Lewis, British Healthcare Trades Association Unfortunately, dishonest and unethical selling tactics – known as ‘aggressive selling’ – t…
When it comes to chronic pain syndrome, there is no universal definition, but it is often explained as pain that has persisted for longer than 12 week…
Let’s make today, the first day of a brighter future for disabled people! By Tom Jamison As you can imagine, in the run-up to International Day …
According to the World Health Organisation, about 15% of the world’s population, more than a billion people, live with some form of disability. That m…
Fibromyalgia is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder. Muscles often feel as if they have been pulled or worked too hard and cognitiv…