As the UK’s leading specialist in wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs), Allied Mobility is dedicated to designing and building the best range of wheelchair accessible cars, people carriers and minibuses available. We also have over 70 RAC approved used vehicles in stock to suit a variety of budgets.

We’re equally dedicated to looking after our customers – not just helping you find your ideal accessible transport but keeping in touch and providing ongoing support, throughout the life of your Allied Mobility vehicle. All of our vehicles are available via the Motability scheme, to buy direct or rent.

Your journey

First, we’ll talk through your options over the phone. Then your local Allied Mobility consultant will bring a vehicle or vehicles to your home, to help you decide on the most suitable model. You’ll receive a full demonstration so that you’re comfortable and confident using all of the accessibility features of the vehicle

Delivering your WAV

As soon as your new WAV is ready, we’ll deliver it to your door, anywhere in the UK. Your delivery driver will also provide a recap demonstration and each new WAV also includes a handy user guide to remind you how to operate the converted features of your vehicle.

Now you’re ready to enjoy the freedom of the road with your new Allied Mobility WAV.

Post-delivery familiarisation check

Once you’ve had your car a few weeks we’ll get back in touch and arrange for your local Allied Mobility consultant (whom you’ve already met) to pop round for a post-sale familiarisation check. This gives you the chance to ask any questions that may have come up while we double-check that key elements of your vehicle are all working as they should.

Keeping in touch

Allied Mobility’s aftercare programme doesn’t end there. You’ll receive related news and information about wheelchair accessible transport and other disability topics through our popular Access All Areas magazine and e-bulletins. We also arrange mobility days around the country which include the chance to see a leading visitor attraction – lookout for invitations sent locally or check the website for information on upcoming events.

A day out for the whole family

As a customer of Allied Mobility, you’ll be the first to find out about our fantastic mobility events. We hit the road showcasing our range of wheelchair accessible vehicles and the whole family’s invited! At the events, you’ll get to browse our full range of accessible cars and receive information and advice from our expert mobility advisors. Not only that but we’ll provide FREE Blue Badge parking, FREE refreshments and FREE entrance to a popular local attraction so you can enjoy a day out for the whole family on us!

Further information and support is available through our mobility helpline on: 0800 916 3018 or you can quickly and easily enquire online. Our full range of vehicles and services are available to view on our website: