Glasgow Sport weekly coach led Disability Sports and Activity programmes consist of over 60 sessions across a range of sports including Boccia, Basketball, Exercise to Music, Football, Gymnastics, Multisport and Swimming. Sessions are designed to meet the needs and the aspirations of participants.
The main elements of the programme include:
The Curricular Swimming Programme which offers approximately 200 young people from 25 Schools and Units the opportunity to participate in an appropriate aquatics and learn to swim programme each week. Coached by specialist disability swimming coaches, the programme takes place for 39 weeks of the year.
The Children’s Disability Sports Programmes provide approximately 100 young people the opportunity to develop their skills, and progress along a sporting pathway to clubs. Activities within these Coach Led Activity Sessions include Multisport, Football and Swimming.
The Adult Disability programmes provide an average of 150 adults per week with a learning difficulty, physical disability and sensory impairments access to sport and physical activity classes. These include the hugely popular 1:1 disability swimming lessons, 1:1 disability gym sessions and disability circuit classes.
Further, there is also an opportunity for a Holiday programme during Spring and Summer where ‘Crash Course’ Swimming Programmes, and Multisport, Football, Dance and Judo are on offer.
For further information please contact Alexis Fleming, Disability Sports Development Officer on 0141 287 9802, email