A total of 24,584 people nominated this year alone and the results are finally in for the National Diversity Awards, with an astonishing 124 nominees being recognised for their various achievements nationwide.
The National Diversity Awards 2018 finalists are as follows:
Positive Role Model Award for Age
Sally Kingdon | Callum Carr | Anaya Kamara | James Middlehurst | Jade Sutton | Abdul-Karim Adbullah, Siena Castellon | Ricky Kandohla
Positive Role Model Award for Disability
Rachel Jury | Dr Robert Gurney | Lorna Fillingham | Nana Marfo | Melissa Johns | Cameron Osburn | Sophie Ward | Stuart Thompson
Positive Role Model Award for Gender
Katie Kelleher | Leanne Pero | Alex Storer | Anna Smith Higgs | Rachael Pearson | Julie Baker | Georgia Powell | Gill Leno
Positive Role Model Award for LGBT
Tracy O’Hara | Shaun Dellenty | Khakan Qureshi | Jason Jones | Abbey Kiwanuka | Virginie Assal | Rebecca Tallon De Havilland | Sgt Guy Lowe-Barrow
Positive Role Model Award for Race, Religion & Faith
Naomi Grant | Nilesh Dosa | Aba Graham | Mothiur Rahman | Salma Bi | Billy Yu-Lok Ng | Manraj Othi | Robert Kasanga
Community Organisation for Age
Merseyside Scouts | The Renewal Trust | Opening Doors London | Manchester Cares | Strength Within Me (S.W.I.M) Foundation | Arran Youth Foundations | Birmingham Youth Sports Academy (BYSA) | Manchester Cares | Buddy Up
Community Organisation for Disability, sponsered by Able Magazine
Hypo Hounds | SupERkids | ADHD Foundation | Autism Rocks | Spinal Unit Recreational Fund | Zebedee Management | The Barrie Wells Trust | Fightback4Justice
Community Organisation for Gender
Colouring Outside the Lines | Body Positive | MenTalkHealth | WomenCentre | All Women’s Network | Volunteer Matters SAFE project | Action Breaks Silence | Savera UK
Community Organisation for LGBT
My Genderation | Breakout Youth | The Proud Trust | Safe Haven | SAIL NI | AZ Magazine | KCC Live | Mosaic LGBT Youth Centre
Community Organisation for Race, Religion & Faith
3FF | KeshetUK | Mary Seacole House | Rosetta Arts | Black History Walks | Chineke! Foundation | Kick It Out | Wirral Change
Community Organisation for Multi-Strand
RJC Dance | iichild | Active Recovery | Feed the Homeless | Grant a Smile | St. Johns Centre | Barton Peveril Equality | Diversity and Inclusion Group | Radio Reverb
Entrepreneur of Excellence
Rossie Stone | Andrew Slorance | Jullian Kowalchuk | Geoff Holt MBE | Chris Jelev | Ndu Uchea | Jude Philip | Tanya Laird
Diverse Company
Morgan Sindall | Yorkshire Water | LM-JV | West Yorkshire Police | Cheshire Constabulary | Reed Smith LLP | Touchstone | TransPennine Express | Gateshead College | Sandwell & West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
Celebrity of the Year
John Bishop | Anna Friel | Sir Trevor McDonald OBE | June Sarpong MBE | Warwick Davis | Fearne Cotton | Sir Lenny Henry CBE | Clare Balding OBE | Lee Ridley AKA Lost Voice Guy | Thandie Newton
Lifetime Achiever
Anne Ross | Tony Carlisle | Dionne Johnson | Alan Bell | Maggie Georgopoulos | Lewis Turner | Juney Muhammad | Anthony Durrant MBE JP
Congratulations to all of our nominees, we wish you the very best of luck at the ceremony.
Secure your place at the UK’s grandest celebration of diversity
Community organisations and role models from across the UK will head to the breathtaking Liverpool Anglican Cathedral on 14th September to witness the countries 2018 winners being crowned the best of British diversity.
Tickets are now on sale for The National Diversity Awards 2018. Join us for an evening filled with life changing role models, celebrity guests and special performances. Shortlisted nominees will receive a complimentary place at the ceremony.
To show your support, book your place today: