GCI operates an inclusive cycle to work scheme, meaning that all employees, no matter their mobility issues, can access any cycle suitable for their needs.
The first handcycle acquired through the scheme was for Guy Nicholson. In 1993, at the age of 23, Guy was diagnosed with a malignant tumour in his upper thoracic spinal cord and following surgery, he was left with an incomplete spinal injury. Although Guy is able to walk with the aid of sticks, he cannot do so over long distances and it’s becoming harder.
Cycle to work
To help build his fitness, Guy wanted to cycle to work and selected GCI’s scheme with no £1,000 limit and no exit fees. With his employer’s agreement, Guy approached Draft Wheelchairs, a supplier of handcycles and other specialist mobility equipment.
Guy selected a Top-End Force 3 handcycle with an RRP £2,950. Through the scheme, Guy saved 42% and pays just £47.53 per month from his net salary (over three years) giving him a massive £1,239 saving. This significant saving can be further enhanced by VAT relief on assisted equipment, making a total possible saving of £1,829, or a huge 62% discount!
Guy has a 120-mile round trip commute each day; too much for anyone to cycle! So, Guy splits his journey into two sections; driving to a colleague’s house which is closer to the office and commuting the rest of the way using his handcycle. Thus, he is able to improve his fitness whilst reducing his environmental impact.
Tel: 020 3740 1836
Email: info@GreenCommuteInitiative.uk