June 21st marked the closing of nomination rounds for the 2019 Her Abilities Award. After a first review, Light for the World is excited to report a record-breaking turnout of nominations from different corners of the world. Out of 206 nominations in total, 160 individual women from 56 countries were nominated for this year’s Her Abilities Award.
Her Abilities is the first global award honouring the achievements of women with disabilities. The Award is split into three categories: Arts, Culture and Sport; Rights and Health and Education.
In the United Kingdom, five women with disabilities were nominated to become this years’ awardees. Whether or not they will be awarded is up to an international jury consisting of activists, advocates, athletes, artists and opinion leaders. Out of 206 nominations, the jury will have to choose three winners: one woman in each category. The winners will be announced on the 20th November, 2019.
Yetnebersh Nigussie, Right Livelihood and Helen Keller Award winner, disability rights activist and co-initiator of the Her Abilities Award is happy with the results: “ There are so many inspiring and strong women with disabilities out there who achieve greatness every day. Her Abilities will shine a spotlight on their extraordinary achievements and, in turn – I hope, inspire a brand new generation of women with disabilities.“
For more information please refer to www.her-abilities-award.org