The Award Winning, Sussex Healthcare Group are excited to announce the opening of their brand new purpose built care facilities at Rapkyns Care Centre, Broadbridge Health, near Horsham.
The facilities are comprised of two buildings, each purpose-built, consisting of four 10 bedded units. These are specifically for clients with acquired brain injury and neurological conditions as well as for people with autism or young people leaving school or college with profound learning and physical disabilities. These buildings bring a exciting new service to potential clients which include all the latest technologies and also provides residential, respite and outreach placements.
Within the grounds, there is a brand new gymnasium facility which provides equal opportunities and access regardless of the service user’s ability or health status. Providing the right support to enable service users to train in a safe and highly effective manner. Whether it is to work on strength, fitness or just increase general health, service users will receive all the help and motivation to help them achieve their goal.
What’s more, this service is available to people within the local community as well as for people who are living in a residential setting or at home seeking a private outreach service.
Sussex Healthcares enthusiasm for the latest high-tech, interactive technology systems are of a strong focal point. New interactive technology systems have been installed, whereby service users are encouraged to make choices which can involve number games, pictorial and floor games.
“One adult in particular surprised us all. We had no idea how cognitively able he was, it is hard to get much response from him, but when we introduced him to the eye gaze straight away he realized he was controlling it by himself. He got through a lot of the games quickly! He was deliberately closing his eyes to stop the game and starting again, teasing us! It was a very emotional day for us.” – Unit Manager
All of which are fantastic sensory learning tools that have the capacity to engage the service users and are suitable for any ability.
Whether the choice is to play individually or interact with one another in a group, the systems can be controlled by simply moving on or over the projected image or by using their eyes as a mouse.
The team at Rapkyns Care Centre are genuinely passionate about the people in their care and their wellbeing is always at the centre of everything they do.
As well as the use of the above new services, service users attend social outings and outreach services with the help and support of the homes dedicated mini bus service.
Arts, Crafts and Cooking seem to be one of the many popular activities along with the strong emphasis around community presence. Rapkyns Care Centre has the added benefit of a beautiful and diverse landscape, which clients are encouraged to explore and utilise as stimulation for their creative projects. The sessions are intended to trigger the learning of new skills or improve those they already have.
Sussex Healthcare is committed to genuine inclusion for people of any ability. Having achieved accreditation for 2014, Investors in People Standards (IIP), the group operates with professionalism and excellence, with over 25 years of healthcare in Sussex, offering a range of quality person-centred services.
To find out more about our homes and the services we offer, contact: Corrine Wallace, Director of Operations
01403 217 338 —