WheelPower are coming to Manchester this September! Join WheelPower, the national charity for wheelchair sport as they host a free Learn to Handcycle taster day at Cleavley Athletics Track in Eccles on Friday 29 September.
These free events are a perfect introduction to handcycling for people with physical disabilities and a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in experiencing the thrills and freedom that cycling can bring.

Sadly, the simple pleasures of cycling is not available to many wheelchair users due to the cost of buying specially adapted equipment. So by coming along to an event like this you will have access to a number of different bikes (including the brand new power assisted models) whilst being supported throughout by the coaches from the Handcycling Association UK.
At a recent Learn to Handcycling event in Evesham, a local father and son joined WheelPower to try handcycling for the first time. They said “It was so nice to meet everyone today, and we thank you all so much. My son has had a great day and after today we will be looking into getting his own bike soon! Not only did he get handcycling coaching but they also serviced his unloved day chair too!”

Find out more about this event and to sign up by visiting: www.wheelpower.org.uk/activities/learn-to-handcycle/