Featuring news on the three London schoolgirls who ran away to Syria, as well as a round-up of George Osborne’s 2015 Budget and details of the cash for access MPs scandal, issue 14 of the magazine will be the final full edition ahead of next month’s General Election.
Easy News was first launched back in 2013, in a bid to give people with disabilities, and anyone else who wanted to, the opportunity to find out about world events in order to gain a greater understanding of current affairs and how politics affects our everyday lives.
Easy News aims to encourage discussion around news stories and keep readers informed by simplifying the complex language that is often used in mainstream news that some can find off putting.
As part of Every Vote Counts, a major campaign designed to make politics accessible to all, we want to highlight the importance of including those with learning disabilities in national debate to encourage this disenfranchised group to get involved in politics and learn more about the democratic process.
To support the campaign, we have produced a set of easy read resources to encourage discussion about how politics works and how to vote.
We have also updated the Every Vote Counts website, which uses the easy read format to support people to find out more about politics, as well as providing advice to
supporters and politicians on how to make their election material accessible.
Diane Lightfoot, Director of Communications at United Response, said:
“Easy News, which is translated by our UR Consultants, has always sought to provide unbiased and varied news stories in an accessible format and this latest edition is no exception.
“Featuring political news both on the home front as well as abroad, and human interest stories such as that of disabled pensioner Alan Barnes, this new edition is testament to our commitment to ensuring that people with disabilities are provided with accessible information on a wide range of topics to help them make an informed decision come 7th May.”
If you would like to find out more about the campaign, or for details on how to help someone you support to use their vote, please visit www.everyvotecounts.org.uk
To download the 14th edition of Easy News, go to: www.unitedresponse.org.uk/