The Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) is the membership body for the employment support sector. Established in 2005, we campaign for and support the delivery of ever better services for the nation’s jobseekers and learners.
ERSA’s members deliver, or have an interest in the delivery, of the whole spectrum of employment related services. The scope of their collective reach includes skills provision, self-employment, offender related services, youth employment services, welfare reform and disability-related issues, as well as the design and delivery of employment programmes, however they are funded or commissioned.
Our membership spans the private, voluntary and public sectors and it is this diversity that gives us the authority to speak. ERSA’s members range from corporates through to small specialist charities operating in their local communities and include housing associations and local authorities. ERSA has over 270 members in total, 77% of which are not for profit.
What we do
ERSA’s objectives are simple. They are to:
- Drive understanding of employment support as a ‘national good’, essential for current and future jobseekers, employers and the health of the economy and communities.
- Work with commissioners and funders at all levels to invest in and design the best possible services against an ever changing backdrop.
- Influence the wider policy environment to ensure that it supports people in their journey to enter and progress in work
- Support and challenge the sector and so increase skills, knowledge and effectiveness.
As part of this, ERSA undertakes research into good practice, campaigns for policy changes that will help both the sector and jobseekers and supports a range of initiatives aimed at driving up standards of delivery. This includes the set up of the Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP) which is a sister body to ERSA.
Where we operate
ERSA is a UK-wide organisation. In addition to being strong in Westminster, ERSA operates strong networks in Scotland, Greater Manchester, West Midlands and London. ERSA events and forums take place throughout the UK.
ERSA services
ERSA provides a wide range of services for members, including regular information bulletins and a wide range of specialist forums and events. You can find out more about ERSA membership at
Contact Number: 020 3757 9415