This week, Euan’s Guide, the disabled access reviews website, launched its Red Cord Campaign across the UK in order to encourage the correct usage of emergency cords in accessible toilets.
Many of the website’s reviewers frequently find that the emergency cord in accessible toilets is hard to reach or is tied up in knots, making it difficult for a disabled person to use the cord to call for assistance. Euan’s Guide has, therefore, designed eye-catching cards that can be attached to the red cord to remind people how important it is that they hang correctly.
To date, 1,500 cards have been requested by venues and reviewers to place in facilities across the country. Over 20 members of the Scottish Parliament have also expressed their support for the Red Cord Campaign, stating that it will help to raise much-needed awareness of the issue.
Euan MacDonald, co-founder of Euan’s Guide, said: “We are delighted that so many people have requested a card to hang on the emergency cords. It is vital that these cords reach all the way to the floor so that people can call for help if needed, and we hope that our Red Cord Campaign will encourage venues and people alike to make sure that they hang freely.”
If you would like to request a card, please email or visit